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ATLAS system database

Chapter details

Each ATLAS installation can manage an unlimited number of domains and sites. However, each domain consists of three databases - core, file and text mining databases. In order to handle the database connections and user accounts properly, ATLAS relies on the information contained in the ATLAS system database.

This database contains four types of tables:

  1. domain definition and resource - The "domain" table stores the information of the currently availble domain in this ATLAS installation. One domain can be set to be the "system" domain. i-Publisher adjusts its user interface automatically when a user from the system domain is logged in. The members of the system domain are able to perform operations across other domains. The "registart" table contains the ATLAS registration requests. These requests are pending approval from a member of the system domain.
  2. domain configuration - the tables "domain_datasource_main", "domain_datasource_file" and "domain_datasource_tm" contain information about the physical location of the domain-specific database. In this way it is possible to sepatarate, replicatate or partition the thread database transparently for the user, in order to improve the performance of the ATLAS installation.
  3. account information - the "account" table contains information about the user accounts - usernames, passwords and domain association. This is the default ATLAS authentication storage; it can be easily replaced with LDAP or OpenID user authentication mechanism. If so, a developer has to implement a service based on the "com.tetracom.atlas.account.api.service.IAccountStoreService", "com.tetracom.atlas.account.api.service.IAccountService" and "com.tetracom.atlas.account.api.service.INewAccountService" interfaces.
  4. other resources - the "trans" table provides translations of common labels used accros the i-Publihser user interface and web sites.

The diagram below depicts the tables in the ATLAS system and their relations.